Program Leader Sarah conducts a read aloud of Unlovable to a group of SitStayRead first grade students at Bond Elementary. (D. Sutton)

Program Leader Sarah conducts a read aloud of Unlovable to a group of SitStayRead first grade students at Bond Elementary. (D. Sutton)

1st Grade | Little Buddies

In our Little Buddies program, a team of one Book Buddy, one Dog Team and a Program Leader visit a classroom for a one-hour visit, once a week. Little Buddies visits take place over the course of six consecutive weeks. Each class engages in a read aloud and group discussion, followed by an individual creative writing and drawing activity. This program focuses on big picture literacy skills like character identification, sequencing and listening comprehension. It also introduces students to the concept of having dogs in the classroom and has a special focus on social emotional learning.