It takes a village.



SitStayRead partners with schools and community-based organizations across the city of Chicago in communities where the student population is at least 90% low-income and 60% of third-grade students score below the national reading average.

Currently, almost all of the neighborhoods SitStayRead serves are located on the south and west sides of the Chicago: Archer Heights, Auburn Gresham, Belmont Central, Gage Park, Galewood, Little Village, Pilsen, and South Austin. We continue to serve Family Matters, a long standing partner in Rogers Park, one of the city’s most diverse neighborhoods on its northside.

Current school and community partners include:

SitStayRead Partner Map in Chicago

If you’re interested in our literacy programming, please complete our partnership interest form, and we’ll follow up with you as soon as possible. For questions about engaging SitStayRead as a partner or for a Family Literacy Event, please contact us at




SitStayRead is proud to partner with non-profit organizations, businesses, and foundations, as institutional funders, for special initiatives such as back to school book drives, and as volunteer program facilitators. If your institution is interested in supporting our work with a cash sponsorship, volunteers, or in-kind donations, please contact