Tail Blazers



SitStayRead’s Tail Blazers literacy program for second graders focuses on improving reading fluency as well as building comprehension skills and written expression.  

The program runs for six consecutive weeks, with a SitStayRead Program Leader, three Book Buddies, and three Dog Teams visiting the classroom once a week for an hour at a time.

During each visit, Book Buddies lead small-group fluency activities and conduct structured brainstorming sessions. Then, students are supported in independent creative story writing. 

Like all SitStayRead curricula, our second-grade literacy program contains five core elements: read-aloud, discussion, writing, social-emotional learning, and developing the animal-human bond. Learn more about our proven curriculum.

We partner with schools and community-based organizations where the student population is at least 90% low-income and 60% of third-grade students score below the national reading average. If you’re interested in our literacy program for first graders, please complete our partnership interest form.